Got My Goat?

Manana Island Goat, photo by Tom Grotta

My owners have given some thought to getting a goat to live on our two acres.  They think goats are cute and personable and lawn mowers on four legs.  I’d be happy to have a goat to herd, but I am not so sure what our suburban neighbors would think of the 4-foot high sturdy fence that we would need.  In any event, this video on Goats from the Pet Collective will give you the highlights of goat ownership If you are still interested, you might want to grab a copy of Raising Goats for Dummies by Cheryl K. Smith

Manana Island Goat, photo by Carter Grotta

Just don’t leave it near your new pet —  goats will chew on and taste just about anything resembling plant matter to decide whether it is good to eat, including cardboard and paper labels from tin cans.

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3 Responses to Got My Goat?
  1. Shirley Uphouse
    July 14, 2012 | 11:02 am

    My husband liked goats. His pilots had a pet goat while in Viet Nam. I like the pigmy goats. I’ll be moving to Florida next month to a retirement community and I will pass along Woofingftons email listing to the many dog owners there.

  2. Carter G.
    July 16, 2012 | 8:27 am

    love it …. thats $10 off what I owe you guys =)

  3. Carol Brown
    July 20, 2012 | 4:07 am

    Cute! Cute! Jazz would love it!

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