Dog Myths Decrypted: The Nose Knows

photo by Tom Grotta

photo by Tom Grotta

How many times have you heard  that you can tell if a dog is sick if its nose is warm or dry? We did some nosing around and discovered, no matter how many times people say it,  it’s just not true. It’s an “old wives tale” that cold wet noses indicate health and warm or dry noses indicate a fever or illness. The only accurate method to determine a dog’s temperature is with a rectal thermometer. Normal dog temperature is 100.5 to 102.5.

“Changes in texture (crusty, flaky) and color (loss of pigmentation) of a pet’s nose, on the other hand, should be looked at by your veterinarian, according to , Veterninary Medicine, Guide. “A prolonged dry, cracked nose, particularly with loss of pigmentation, scabs or open sores should be examined by your veterinarian sooner rather than later.”

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2 Responses to Dog Myths Decrypted: The Nose Knows
  1. Alex Grano
    April 11, 2013 | 11:40 am

    Oh, What a Mugshot!

  2. Cassidy
    April 11, 2013 | 1:01 pm

    Happy Birthday, Athena!!

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