I’ll enjoy it more if you: Keep my water bowl full. Make sure I have shade. Don’t expect a fan to help. I cool differently than you do; I sweat mostly through my feet. Take me to the vet iif I show signs of heatstroke: heavy panting, glazed eyes, a rapid heartbeat, difficulty…
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I had the best week ever last week. First a playdate at my house with Rusty, a rescued German Shepherd. I let him eat my food and drink my water and I matched him stride for stride on runs in the yard. Then, a few days later, I had a long visit with my excellent…
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Our new puppy is a pouncer and a jumper and a hopper and a leaper. She pounces on balls, big and small, snow drifts and errant towels that wind up on the floor. So after a few days of trying out a few monikers — Shadow, from the name of her litter; Kansas, the state…
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We were four in our household — three humans and one dog — until December 28, 2012, when we lost our beloved Aussie, Jazzy. Still reeling from our loss, we realized our barn/home was too big to be without a dog. So we went online — the same way we found Jazzy –and searched until…
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I have not been feeling my best for a couple of months. Today, my symptoms hit a turning point. I could not catch my breath; my body shook with every effort to do so and I wheezed each time, in what sounded like a cross between a cry and a whimper. An ultrasound showed what…
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It’s me — in 12 of my best poses for the year. My second Woofington’s World calendar is available for order now. Get your copy for $16 (plus shipping and tax where applicable) and all your days will be dog days — and doggone good ones, I hope.
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My Mom Fanci, died this month at age 15 and she will be missed. You can see where I got my good looks; she was a beautiful dog. She was talented, too, achieving Companion Dog and Companion Excellent Dog degrees and serving regularly as an ambassador to a local 2nd grade class. But, it was…
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Tom’s Mom, Sandy, had a collie named Lance when she was a little girl. Her mother was a proper lady who didn’t cotton to dogs in the house, so Lance had his own house in the yard. In the deep Detroit winters, though, Sandy felt bad that Lance was outside. Sandy would sneak downstairs to…
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Ricardo from New Canaan Cleaners http://www.newcanaancleaners.net/ index.htm is a good friend of mine. I wait by the door on Fridays and start my bark/whine of welcome as soon as I hear the crunch of his tires in our gravel driveway. He never comes to visit without a big and tasty dog biscuit just for me.
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