Finding Nemo: Tales of a Snow Dog

Just how deep was it? That’s what they’ll be asking years from now about the blizzard of January 2013 (aka Superstorm Nemo). Thanks to all the photos we took of our new pup — who’d stay in the frigid temps full time if we’d stay out with her — we can document the 14″ to…

What’s in a Name? Hopalong Cassidy

Our new puppy is a pouncer and a jumper and a hopper and a leaper. She pounces on balls, big and small, snow drifts and errant towels that wind up on the floor.  So after a few days of trying out a few monikers — Shadow, from the name of her litter; Kansas, the state…

Introductions Part 2: Our New Puppy

We were four in our household — three humans and one dog — until December 28, 2012, when we lost our beloved Aussie, Jazzy. Still reeling from our loss, we realized our barn/home was too big to be without a dog. So we went online — the same way we found Jazzy –and searched until…

I Earned My Wings Today. Thanks for Being my Fans.

I have not been feeling my best for a couple of months. Today, my symptoms hit a turning point. I could not catch my breath; my body shook with every effort to do so and I wheezed each time, in what sounded like a cross between a cry and a whimper. An ultrasound showed what…

Christmas is Coming!

That means gifts for me — Greenies and toys and a big bone from Grandma Sandy. Not to mention lots of guests and food and crumbs to clean. Also I’ll be giving my hot-off-the-press 2013 Woofington’s World calendar as a holiday gift for all and sundry. I can always be counted on to do my…

Happy Hannukah!

I love latkes! And most other food.

Bo Strikes A Holiday Pose and So Do I

The Holiday season is officially upon us. New York’s Holiday Tree in Rockefeller Center, a survivor of Hurricane Sandy, was lit with much fanfare last week. he White House Tree is up and sparkling, too. And a very cooperative Bo, the DOTUS, has posted a dog’s eye tour of the splendid decor in our national…

Months of my Mug — Get Your 2013 Woofington’s World Calendar

It’s me — in 12 of my best poses for the year. My second Woofington’s World calendar is available for order now. Get your copy for $16 (plus shipping and tax where applicable) and all your days will be dog days — and doggone good ones, I hope.

Dogs Who Read, Read Bark!

I don’t read much, but my owners do.  They are big fans of Bark magazine, which has as its motto, “Dog as My Co-Pilot” — a sentiment I can really get behind.  Each month the magazine features entertaining and informative material on dog breeds, training and the sheer joy of canine/human companionship. The current issues…

I Do the Turkey Dance!!

Have a great T-Day!! There are always lots of leftovers with my name on them, so I will.